Paradigm Shift With Christina Martini

020 Talent Management – Tips for Success for New Professionals and Organizations Who Hire Them



In this episode, Christina Martini discusses: Top 10 tips for success for new lawyers and professionals, and for those organizations who hire them Valuable takeaways from the experiences of internships and summer programs How to make the most of your summer internship and first few years as a new professional Top 10 tips for law firms and other organizations who hire summer interns and new graduates as part of their talent management strategy     Key Takeaways: Summer internships are an important part of recruiting strategies  Interns should view their summer employment as one long interview Conduct yourself professionally and do your best at all times A law firm’s talent management strategy is critically important to its future The bedrock of every law firm and organization is its people     “Recruiting is key to preparing for the future.” —  Christina Martini    Connect with Christina Martini: Twitter: