Paradigm Shift With Christina Martini

056 Brain Optimization, Burnout Prevention, and Remediation, An Interview with Ava Diamond – Part 1 of a 2 Part Series



In this episode, Christina Martini and Ava Diamond discuss: Ava’s personal and professional journey to creating Diamond Mind Strategies. Mastering mind and body to achieve your life goals. Symptoms and consequences of chronic stress. How to know if you are under chronic stress. Key Takeaways: It is more complicated than simply work-life balance. Workplace wellness is also a key factor. Start with brain optimization to lay the foundation to receive and precipitate positive change. When you are dealing with a lot of emotional and personally sensitive issues, you can very easily experience vicarious trauma through your work. We all experience stress. Not all stress is bad. Stress at particular moments can help us rise up and perform better. “When we go into stress brain, the brain is on alert and it shuts down unnecessary thinking, so to speak, in order to just make sure we survive. And we want to thrive, not just survive. The thriving part can only happen when we’re not in a chronic stress c