Paradigm Shift With Christina Martini

087 Authenticity in Leadership With Sonya Sigler Part 2 of a Two-Part Interview



In this episode, Christina Martini and Sonya Sigler discuss: What makes a great leader and what makes great leadership manifest. Authenticity and what it means to be authentic.  Unique challenges as a result of the current pandemic environment.  Remembering the humanity of your employees first.    Key Takeaways: Hold on to those things that are your stress relievers and keep them active in your life.  You don’t have to give up the aspects of your life that you care about just because you are going up the professional ladder.  If you don’t live true to yourself, what are you telling yourself and telling others?  Crisis provides an opportunity to shine, to make changes, to make better, and to show good leadership skills.  If we get the same results, how we get there shouldn’t matter. We have an opportunity to redefine normal going forward.    "Finding your own style, and embracing it, especially as you take on a leadership role and more responsibility, is import