Paradigm Shift With Christina Martini

094 Accessing Consciousness and the Prospect of Possibility - An Interview with Simone Milasas Part 1 of a Two-Part Interview



In this episode, Christina Martini and Simone Milasas discuss: Simone’s professional and personal journey to where she is today with Access Consciousness.  Deciphering your thoughts, feelings, and emotions from those that are not yours.  Searching for the questions, not the answers.    Key Takeaways: If your life is not getting better and better, you get to change something. You get to choose something different.  You know so much more than what you have been willing to acknowledge. If you come out of judgment, what can you create?  When you go into question, then more can show up.  Choose what makes you happy and your life will be much easier.    "The world has changed, and it's not going back to what it was. We get to create our future, and we get to create what this looks like." —  Simone Milasas   Connect with Simone Milasas: Website: ( & (AccessConsciousn