Shared Diversity Podcast

How to Network Honestly - [Book Review: How to win Friends and Influence] -



How can we network modestly? How can we be ourselves in an environment that doesn’t invite us naturally? With people that might not share our values, viewpoints or interests? How can you be authentic in networking and building your personal brand?  I received this book back in 7th grade from my older brother. It’s a book that I always pick up again and again.    HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE by Dale Carnegie. Authenticity.   Authenticity is one of the most powerful tools in today's age of managed digital perceptions. It's a fresh breeze in the filter-on world of social media and personal branding. So let's look into -  What you can do to increase the authenticity of your personal brand:  1. What can I honestly admire about the person in front of me? (01:08)  2. Become genuinely interested in the person in front of you. (03:32)  3. Find things you have in common, other than what separates you. (05:31)  4. Happiness: You must have a good time meeting people