Shared Diversity Podcast

GOAL-SETTING: 6 Ways to Stay on Track {Business, Branding & Womanhood} -



GOALS GOALS GOALS. Those happily annoying what-ifs flying over us ambitious people. Whether you're setting new goals right now, or are still working on achieving past goals, you know this: it's tough to set and stay on track with them! When you set goals, you're likely applying the techniques you should: make them SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely). But apart from that, goal-setting us about much more than simply defining what you want to achieve. You need to create the right environment to stay on track with your goals! That's why in this episode you'll learn 6 Ways How to Keep Your Goals in Sight! MORNING AFFIRMATIONS  ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER VISION BOARD DOCUMENT YOUR JOURNEY ONLINE SHARE YOUR DUA LIST WITH SOMEONE MAKE THEM YOUR PHONE BACKGROUND STOP, don't leave, here's my question for you: Inshallah, leave a comment here: What are the goals you are setting? Prefer watching our podcasts online? SUBSCRIBE to our Muslim Businesswoman YouTube Channel! Share your