Shared Diversity Podcast

Set Meaningful Goals To Support Your Purpose {Business, Branding & Womanhood} -



When you're looking at creating meaningful change in your life, understand that you have to start by looking at your purpose first. In this video, you will learn how to define your purpose, how to set meaningful goals, and why you need strategies and habits to make them happen. In this podcast you will learn: The difference between purpose and goals How to find out what type of personality you are more of (goal-setter or purpose-driven person?) To focus better and set less (!) goals The 5 areas you should set goals in How to set both personal & professional goals Building your personal brand Make sure you understand the difference between purpose or visions and goals! Are you a rather purpose-driven person or a goal setter? Before you set your new goals, you should understand what kind of personality you hold. One isn’t necessarily better than the other, but you should find a good balance for yourself! New goals mean you want to grow.  Self-awareness is the first step in self-growth. STO