Shared Diversity Podcast

Grow Your Career During the Lockdown!



Grow Your Personal Brand During Crisis / Why You Need a Brand During A Lockdown.   In times of crisis, things can get uncertain real quick. Had a somewhat secure job? Chances are you need to pivot. Just established your 1:1 coaching clients? Now you cannot meet with them in person anymore.    Especially during a lockdown, when people cannot leave their homes, you have to find ways to rethink your career to grow.  Here is my Nr1 Growth secret during a crisis: BUILD YOUR PERSONAL BRAND! Video version of the Podcast: Check out the Start The Right Brand Guide! Want to take your Personal Brand to the next level? Book a Call or visit me on! ----------------------------------------­­­­­­­­---------------------------------­-­-­-­-­- Subscribe to the Muslim Businesswoman channel & please leave us a review on iTunes inshallah! Follow us on Youtube Instagram   Linkedin Twitter   Facebook     Follow Sin