Write On, Right On, Write On!

Recession Resurrection Show #2



Our show is on hiatus for a few weeks as we're launching a sister show,Recession Resurrection,a program devoted to info about people, ideas and businesses that are doing well and/or making money during the recession.We are pleased to present the second episode of our new show. Our wonderful guests on today's show were: Karen who called in with tips for collecting unemployment, Lady Miah and Special K. discussed their Facebook groups and videos for Recession Cooking and Recession Dating, Deniese offered advice for maintaining business relationships and Jen provided tips when shopping for a new car. You can find links to the resources discussed on the show at:RecessionResurrection.com To be a guest on our next show contact Steve Kendall via email: Steve@BibleStudyCafe.com Follow us on twitter and Facebook go to RecessionResurrection.com for links.