The Knee Jerks - Eno And Big Al

The Knee Jerks: Tom Hannon of The Baseball Page



Long-time Detroit sports bloggers and podcasters, Greg Eno(aka the Voice of Reason), and Big Al Beaton are The Knee Jerks! Eno and Big Al broadcast live every Monday night at 7PM Eastern on the Sports Geeks Radio Network! Tonight's show if filled to the brim! We open with a good friend of the Knee Jerks, Tom Hannon of the The Baseball Page (@TheBaseballPage on Twitter). We'll discuss baseball's offseason and the latest at Tom's site from 7-7:30. At 7:30, we welcome back our Red Wings insider and Bleacher Report featured columnist, Matt Hutter. We'll discuss, obviously, the last few weeks of Red Wings hockey. (Matt's Bleacher Report columns can be found here and is @MaHutter12 on Twitter.) At approximately 7:45, it's "Adam Rants," with Yahoo! Sports' Adam Biggers. Adam will give his take on the Patriots - Broncos game, and Tim Tebow in particular. In the final 40 minutes, Eno & Big Al will give their takes on the Detroit Lions, NFL playoffs, Detroit Tigers, and a dash of Pistons, if time permits. Don