The Knee Jerks - Eno And Big Al

The Knee Jerks: Eno and Big Al



Tonight the Jerks welcome back a favorite guest---former Detroit and New York sportscaster Bob Page! It's always fun to have the outspoken, knowledgeable Page on; you never know what he might say! Talking points with Bob: Stanley Cup Finals (i.e. how the NHL playoffs are so unpredictable; national interest, etc) Lions off-field behavioral problems NBA Finals (Good vs. Evil?) Red Wings after Lidstrom (and they traded Brad Stuart) After Bob, it's Tigers talk (will the series win in Cincy kick start them?; should people be getting fired?); Lions and their off-season from Hell (arrests); and a little bit of Red Wings (Brad Stuart is the latest d-man to vamoose, having been traded to San Jose). Of course, there's also "Whose Birthday Is It?" and "Jerk of the Week"!! Be here at 7PM eastern (6PM central) every Monday night as The Knee Jerks,  long-time Detroit sports bloggers and podcasters, Greg Eno(aka the Voice of Reason) and Big Al Beaton, cover the latest and greatest in sport\s. It's sports talk