The Knee Jerks - Eno And Big Al

The Knee Jerks: Eno and Big Al



Long-time Detroit sports bloggers and podcasters, Greg Eno(aka the Voice of Reason), and Big Al Beaton are The Knee Jerks!Eno and Big Al broadcast live every Monday night at 7PM Eastern on the Sports Geeks Radio Network! This week Big Al and Eno, the man of many nicknames, talk Lions, and Tigers over 1:43. We also welcome back Bleacher Report's Adam Biggers for Adam Rants. In a longer segment than usual, Adam covers the first week perfomances of Michigan and Michigan State and the latest Johnny Manziel controversy. Topics include: The NFL buys off the player cuncussion lawsuit for relative chump change, then jump for joy behind closed doors. Lions set 53 man roster, former middle-low round draft picks catch the brunt of the cuts. The Lions are now the OLDEST team in the NFL. Tigers play awful against the A's, actually increase their division lead. Indians leave town further back than they arrived. Justin Verlander is conisitent in his inconsitentcy, giving  conspriacy theorists plenty