Women's Leadership, Women's Career Development, Business Executive Coaching & Podcast By Sabrina Braham Ma Ppc

A Woman’s Guide to Enhance Your Career by Knowing the Financials



// Maybe you've been asked to review a financial statement and had no idea what to look for. Or the CEO has asked you to be one of the key players helping the company reach its financial objectives. In a follow-up brainstorming session, you're asked for ideas about what might be done, but you're not sure how your job relates to the bottom line. Or perhaps your boss wants you to come up with suggestions on percentage increases for the next year and you have to ask your high school senior how to figure them. There was a time when schools didn't worry much about women and numbers, let alone finance concepts. Those days should be long gone, but many brilliant women still feel uncomfortable around basic financial concepts. Even if you don't work in the finance department, this program will be invaluable to you. It's no longer acceptable to say you just "don't get" numbers. Today it's vital to your career to have a basic understanding of the financials that drive your business' success. Kevin Cope is a trusted re