Women's Leadership, Women's Career Development, Business Executive Coaching & Podcast By Sabrina Braham Ma Ppc

How Women Leaders Impact Employee Morale Through Giving



So picture this… A humble cocktail waitress - with only a high school diploma - pulls herself out of poverty - then develops a foundation worth millions, to help people move to a better life. So how does this relate to you? People want to be part of something bigger than themselves. Women leaders who paint a vision of a future where there is a way to help each other and their communities, excel at increasing employee morale in the workplace. That’s why you are going to love our guest today. You will broaden your perspective of how you can use giving to enhance your life, your job and employee morale. Carrie Morgridge is Vice President of the Morgridge Family Foundation. She is recognized nationally for her work as a philanthropist, student advocate and the creator of innovative professional development for teachers. Carrie is practically “Superwoman”. Listen to her sage advice below and read Carrie’s detailed bio here.   “…Morgridge reminds us that we are a nation of “difference makers” and enc