Hello Hello Kopi Ke Milo?

#008 - Alisya Fairuz aka 4715y4



Alisya Fairuz is well known in KL for her quirky illustrations and her unique art work. She have collaborated with fellow artists, DJ’s, musicians, and not forget big companies such as Raising The Bar, Pantun Pins and also various independent brands. Her branding 4715y4 is only growing bigger and moving uphill from this point on. On this week’s episode, Alisya shares with us her journey, what she learned while she was traveling in Berlin and tips and tricks to manoeuvre this game we all call life. Alisya is a woman full of wisdom, the thing she said that stuck with me the most was "we have to question why we like something, why do we like the music we listen to, is it because it's famous? Is it cause everyone else is listening to it? We have to question that, if we don't know that I guess we don't really know ourselves." Alisya also mentioned that the late Yasmin Ahmad was her greatest mentor in life. Now all you need to do is press play and enjoy this pot of gold. :) https://instagram.com/4715y4