Innovation Happens

Episode 38: The Innovator's Journey - Pauline



Pauline’s story is one of hard work, dedication, and spirit. Originally from Uganda, Pauline has worked tirelessly while at ASU to not only better herself through her education, but to leverage her experience and knowledge to help her community back home. Now a W. P. Carey grad, Pauline is a current graduate student in the Thunderbird School and the recent founder of both the Pauline Foundation and the Prawji Mama Food Bank, benefitting her community in Uganda. This is an episode you will not want to miss.Recommended if you're interested in: humanitarianism, global engagement, non-profit managementHave you downloaded the Sun Devil Rewards app? Each week we provide you with a "secret word" valid for 100 Pitchfork Points good for redeeming ASU gear and VIP experiences. This episode's Sun Devil Rewards "secret word" expired at 11:59 pm on Monday, February 18, 2019.