Barely Qualified

Ep 34: Stop It. Get Some Help! w/ Alyssa Harmadi and Dalton Wright



If there is anything that I know for a fact is that the news cycle over the past few weeks has been nothing but insanity. So in an attempt to detox myself from all things newsworthy I phoned up Alyssa Harmadi and Dalton Wright to spend some time away from the nonsense that is our day-to-day news cycle. We discussed our favorite music artsists that we are currently listening to, whether or not Dalton is over the age of 35, and why Alyssa will always be wrong when it comes to not being a fan of Hamilton. We also got into the overall meaning of life and is there an overall purpose to any of this? If we do have a purpose in this life, then what is it? How do we find it? Is it something we are born with? Does it come in a vision or a nightmare that we have to interpret for ourselves? Who knows?! We certainly don't. But that doesn't stop us from trying to figure it! Twitter: Barely_Q Instagram: Barelyqualified Snapchat: BarelyKoalified