Barely Qualified

Ep. 35: Life Is Good And Generous w/ Charles McCaskill and Kipp Jennings



Sometimes you just need to have a vent session with some friends. In this week's episode, I speak with Charles McCaskill and Kipp Jennings about their 2020 years. How they have coped with the pandemic. Charles shares fascinating insight into what it was like to be on the front lines in a grocery store watching people lose their minds over toilet paper. Kipp speaks on how much insight he gained during this time in quarantine and limited social interaction. There was also a touch of politics involved as per usual with the show and their opinions on how our elected leaders provide us with every little transparency in their day-to-day. Except for AOC. AOC is awesome. All of that and more is inside of this week's episode! Twitter: Barely_Q Instagram: Barelyqualified Snapchat: BarelyKoalified Music By: Dalton Wright aka Wandering: Charles Most Recent Book! On a Random Bookshelf in My Mind: