Bible Thinker

Mike Winger LIVE Q&A on Theology, Apologetics and the Christian Life



Open this description to see time stamps (or look at the first comment below). I'll get to as many of your questions as I can today. As always I won't pretend to have all the answers but will try to share what I can that may be helpful and will do so from a place of trusting Christ and letting the Bible be the authority that it is. Interested in ordering one of the new BibleThinker mugs? Here's the link (for shipping outside the continental US you can message them at this web site and work it out). The pricing of these mugs is partially because they are a fund raiser for me to continue doing this ministry. By having a product like this I can keep producing my teaching for free. I am now doing this ministry full time I want to keep researching and producing tons of free content. I never want to require people to pay utilize my teaching. Those of you who have the ability and the