Bible Thinker

Responding to Calvinist Arguments for Limited Atonement



In this video I will be handling the following Calvinist objections to the idea that Jesus died for all people. 1) Trinitarian Harmony in the Atonement. This involves the idea that there is conflict between the intention of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit if Jesus meant to die for all people. 2) The idea that if Jesus tried to save all people but didn't then He failed. Therefore Jesus didn't try to save all and didn't die for all people. 3) The idea that Jesus' atonement and intercession are the same in extent and application. 4) Dilemmas Calvinists sometimes present as logically forcing you to affirm limited atonement. In particular we will look at John Owen's dilemma/trilemma 5) The double-payment or double-jeopardy argument. This says that if Jesus died for all then to punish anyone in the future would be to punish sin twice and would threaten God's justice. I'm actually covering more than this but this is the main focus. Here is my original video making a case for unlimited atonement