Bible Thinker

A Christian Evaluation of Suicide



Suicide is a big issue that most of us haven't thought about very carefully. I'm not going to pretend to have all the answers, or easy answers. But what I can do is analyze some of the issues related to suicide from a biblical worldview and try to point you toward biblical help. I need to offer a disclaimer though. Some of what I share here is going to be based not just on the plain teaching of scripture but on my own experience as a counselor, friend and human being. I want you to consider and weigh what I share rather than thinking everything out of my mouth is clearly taught in scripture. My goal isn't to say that I have figured it all out but to offer some clarity and some help to those who deal with their own suicidal thoughts or the life-devastating impact of the suicide of a loved one. I hope and PRAY this is useful for you and brings blessings into your life. Find a suicide hotline for your own country and language. Be sure to subscribe if