Spiritual Discovery With Linda Berry

Solar Eclipse in Gemini - LUNAR NEWS™ SHOW with Linda Berry



Join Linda Berry as she presents an informative & educational astrology review of the New Moon Solar Eclipse in the Sign of Gemini. What is a New Moon? How does a Solar Eclipse affect you? Linda discusses how this energy filled astrological event spiritually affects you for up to six months to a year! Questions are answered for callers and Cosmic Mini-Readings are given.   NOTE: Email to add@spiritualdiscovery.org for Linda's Spiritual Astrology™ Newsletter!    Listen NOW to the LUNAR NEWS™ RADIO SHOW with professional Astrologer Linda Berry (the "Zodiac Yoda") aired on May 20th, as she discusses the New Moon in Gemini and how it affects you. Get helpful tips on getting through this SOLAR ECLIPSE period and how to use "Moon Paper" to take advantage of this energy .  HERE'S A LITTLE PREVIEW...Gemini Solar Eclipse: Eclipse energy brings about deep changes in both inner world and outer world awareness. Eclipses can dramatically change your life circumstances and in the long run these changes are positive for