Quantum Hologram Matrix

Miesha Johnston, MK Ultra MILAB Survivor



In 1992 Miesha Johnston founded the Star Family Contactee. These groups are for people who are experiencer’s: men, women, teens and children who are contactee/experiencer (abducted) by ETs. She started the first teen and children’s groups in the United States in 1994. Miesha was director of U.F.O.C.C.I. (UFO Contact Center International) and Celestial Contacts of Nevada. She was a working group member of Steven Greer’s C.S.E.T.I. in Las Vegas. Miesha moved to San Diego in 1998 and was the Coordinator of the Art Bell Chat Club San Diego Chapter 1998-2001. She has been interviewed on many radio shows including Art Bell’s Dream Land and has spoken at UFO Conventions throughout California, Colorado and Nevada. She researched with Melinda Leslie for a MILAB Book until 2001.