Risk Revolution Radio

Prospecting: Identify, approach, and sell to qualified leads



Many organizational training programs are built on the foundation of "product knowledge."  While majority of sales training programs teach new hires what to sell, many organizations forget to teach their teams how to sell.  Steve Kloyda is the Founder of The Prospecting Expert and, he has identified the need for proper education for salespeople and their teams on effectively identifying, approaching and selling to qualified leads.  Steve has personally made more than 250,000 sales and prospecting calls, analyzed more than 25,000 sales calls, and facilitated over 6,000 one-on-one coaching sessions.  In this episode, we are going to dive into what makes a sales call effective and unique, how to overcome sales call reluctance, and what you can do to leverage your own network for more qualified leads and referrals.  Download Steve's Prospecting Playbook by clicking here.