Isla Earth Radio

Grasslands Ecosystems Best Left Wild



Which is better? A picture perfect golf course, or a wild and wooly prairie? Well, when it comes to ecosystem health, the more native plants -- the better. Scientists at the University of Minnesota and Nebraska went out to the Cedar Creek research area and created a hundred and sixty eight test plots. In some, they planted a single species of grass -- kind of like a golf course. In others, they planted a variety of native grasses and flowers -- anywhere from four to 16 species. What they discovered was fascinating. Those plots with multiple species did a lot better. They were more stable and up to two hundred and forty percent more productive. Also, the diverse plots needed no tilling, fertilizers, or pesticides. And because we're talking about perennials here, it's a plant-once mow-once-a-year kind of proposition. While mixing grass varieties wouldn't make for an easily manicured and maintained golf course green, your garden could benefit. And, maybe there are some open spaces in y