Isla Earth Radio

Recycle Payday



Are you wasting your waste? A company called RecycleBank says: maybe! So they've come up with a high-tech way to encourage people to paying them! RecycleBank co-founder Ron Gonen figured that more people would recycle, if they just had some motivation. So he added a computer chip to curb-side recycling bins, the kind that garbage trucks pick up. When a truck picks up a RecycleBank bin, it weights it and records how much that household recycled. The heavier the bin, the more coupons and gift certificates a household earns, useable at local retailers. RecycleBank has even made recycling extra-easy: households can toss paper, plastic or metal all into one bin. The program is running in communities in the Northeast, and will expand to Dallas and Minneapolis soon. Does it work? Gonen says middle-income neighborhoods usually see a 100 percent boost in recycling, while low-income neighborhoods see about a thousand percent increase. Retailers like it for obvious reasons, and cities li