
Energy, Vibes & the Secret Ep 5 Season 2



 On this week's episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing my friend. We talk about the influence of vibes & energy. Also how we both learn the power of "The Secret". Manny Flores is originally from Brooklyn, NY and is of mixed  Hispanic and European decent. Educated in NYC, Manny holds a very  diverse view of events and considers himself a world citizen.   Currently,  he lives and works in the Hudson Valley of NY, as a housing counselor  for a local Non-Profit and is a Co-Founder of Sacred Heart CBD hemp oil.    In his personal time  he is a student of, and is actively working with a variety of plant  medicines, is studying Reiki and various other forms of electromagnetic  energy work as it relates to the human body, and a FreeMason.  Follow him on IG @therealmannyflores Facbook : The Energy Exchange