ProBlogger Podcast: Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging

214: 4 Realities of Blogging All Bloggers Need to Talk About



4 Difficult Realities All Bloggers Face During a conference last year I was invited to have dinner with three other bloggers who had all been blogging for 5-10 years and were now doing it full-time. It was a fun dinner, and we covered a lot of ground in terms of conversation. But during dessert the conversation got a little deeper as one of them began to share how they were struggling with their blog. On their surface, their blogging was going okay. They had a great readership, and the content they were putting out was going well. But on the inside they felt disillusioned. And as they continued their story, I looked around the table and saw a lot of nodding going on. Their story was resonating with us all. I related to it a lot. Blogging can be hard sometimes, and it's to become disillusioned. As a blogger I’ve heard people rave about my, blog with comments like: "You’re so prolific!" "How do you stay so productive?" "How did you write that way?" But on the inside I’ve wondered why they can’t