Stellar Firma

STL 55 - Defiance and Defection



Episode 55 - Defiance and DefectionManagement Consultancy Review.Line Manager Hartro Piltz to asses initial consultancy efforts, largely from bed for what can only be assumed to be efficiency reasons. Bill for destruction of celebratory sparkling slurry to be applied to Line Manager’s expense account.Content Warning for:Emotional AbuseBullying / TauntingAlcohol & alcohol consumptionUnhealthy relationshipsDiscussions of: systemic worker oppression, violence, attempted murderMentions of: existential crisis, delusions, drug use, blood, guns, death & death threats, knives, shouting, faintingTranscript: thanks to this week's Patrons: Jessica Specht, Natalie Logan, Emily Simmons, Paige Morgan, Clarissa Olivares, Lana Roberts, Emma, Rhiannon Thomas Bourne, Malibustacy, Regan Sanders, Christina, Sir Prahlegod, Trixie McGee, A Brain In A Bucket, Esther Phillips, Annie Shoes, Natasha Tomecek, Maglor, Saturn '- Lynnette, Amaranta Petty, Allison Perrone, Ari Shenanigans, PumkinMilk,