Vertical Thoughts

The Future of Vertical Thoughts.



This one was sort of tough. It took me 3 months to actually sit down in front of my camera and parse through the thoughts that I have had recently. I hope that I was able to explain some of those thoughts in a somewhat intelligible way for you all. I have had these things in the back of my mind constantly for the last several months, and it felt good to finally be honest and open about everything. I do feel somewhat regretful, and almost ashamed to be making this episode, as I do feel the pressure to perform in a way that our fans and listeners want most. I so appreciate all the support this show has received up to this point, it really has shown me that I can create something that people want to be a part of. I mean it when I say that this is not the end of something, but more so the inception of something more natural, more ingestible and overall better. Let me know your thoughts. Love ya. - Liam