Career Goals With Kris Calvert

FAST TRACK: Certified Yoga Therapist and Reiki Master



Kris fast tracks you thru a career as a Certified Yoga Therapist and Reiki Master, with Bonnie Tarantino. Bonnie gives us a career story for the intuitive, the empaths, and the seekers.  If you have dreamed of creating a career out of yoga, this interview is for you.  If you are a sensitive person wondering how to navigate the world and use those skills, you will find answers here.  If you are a career-changer or just starting out and looking for some sage advice, you will find it all here with Bonnie. So grab a cup of tea and settle in for this beautiful warm hug of an interview. Bonnie will take you from her first yoga class all the way to directing yoga programs for a large medical center. All this experience adds up to her current role as a private Reiki trainer, reader, healer, and personal life guide. If you have found this today, here’s a note from Bonnie to remember -- whatever you seek is seeking you. Enjoy!