Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

59: Forgiveness & Grace When You Fall Off The Food Wagon



So you messed up after doing really well post recovery with those food temptations, sugar cravings, and food idolatry aka food fixation and now you can’t forgive yourself because you’ve fallen off of the food wagon?? There is no need to go beat yourself up, or feel like a failure, or speak words of death through self sabotaging messages just because you ate more than you should have. That’s exactly what the Enemy (Satan) wants you to do. (Anything that DOESN’T point you to CHRIST makes him smile. It’s his plan to rip you far apart from the almighty God!). If this all strikes a chord then I recorded this podcast episode just for you! I walk you through those things you may have FORGOTTEN as a Christian. I am passing this along to you because these are things that I am CONSTANTLY reminded of as a follower of Jesus. Sisters, the WORLD will tell you to do what makes you feel good, to FOLLOW the desires of your heart, and to do what YOU want. But as you will hear in this episode God says to do it differently - HIS