Kitty Talks

Channel The Positives By Following Your Highest Excitement - Darryl Anka - Podcast Audio



“You experience your own energy as excitement when you are filtering that energy through positive belief systems”– Darryl AnkaIn this episode, you’ll hear about:My guest, and his astonishing journey from two, close broad daylight UFO sightings to using metaphysical methods, including channeling to give people the tools to change their lives in positive ways.After experiencing two, close, broad-daylight UFO sightings, Darryl Anka began to research the subject as well as becoming familiar with an array of metaphysical topics, including channeling. His path led him to become a channel for an extraterrestrial entity called Bashar, which is an Arabic word that means “messenger.” Darryl has channeled Bashar’s information internationally for the past 30 years, providing powerful methods by which people can change their lives in positive ways.Over the past 5 years, Darryl has shifted his career to writing, directing and producing and has created two feature films. Darryl is developing a number of other feature film p