Kitty Talks

Discovering Your Soul; Reach a Higher Purpose - Elisa Romeo



“When we choose to listen we are in alignment with synchronicities. Life goes much more smoothly ”– Elisa RomeoIn this episode, you’ll hear about: My guest and her engrossing story about how she used her own experiences of spirituality and being able to use this to learn how to engage and react directly with her Soul for a higher purpose.For the first 17 years of her life, Elisa never considered herself even remotely spiritual. Her previously analytical paradigm was turned upside down by a miraculous medical healing through a powerful shamanic experience. Besides expanding her view of the world, she discovered she could see and work directly with the human energy field. Several years later, Elisa had a second powerful awakening, one that can only be described as an out-of-body re-emergence with her Soul Self. She uncovered an ability to communicate directly with the Soul-energy of others, including Souls who have crossed over.Through her spiritual awakenings, and her work as a therapist, Elisa has become