Kitty Talks

Find The Time To Get Uncomfortable And Grow - Sunniva Holt



“There is no growth in your comfort zone... get uncomfortable and grow!” - Sunniva Holt We are delighted to have the lovely Sunniva Holt joining us from New Zealand today. Sunniva is a self-made multi millionaire, author of Two No.1 best selling Self Help books, speaker, and Mindset Coach. She is known as Queen Fire, because of her unique gift to ignite people’s inner flame and help them truly remember who they are! She provides focused insights and customised strategies that address specific and individual challenges to accelerate positive results throughout all areas of life. This interview is packed with surprising insights and revelations that literally make you repeat what you’ve just heard in disbelief! (“Ten children?!”) Sunniva shares her unconventional life story with us to prove that whatever our upbringing, if we follow our heart, gut instinct and passions, life unfolds for us and delivers our dreams. You’ll learn how she went from an isolated part of New Zealand that was 3 hours fro