Kitty Talks

What's in a name?



I share my experiences so others can grow, or at least know it’s not for them! ” ~ Kitty Waters.You may have heard Kitty’s previous interview with numerology expert Estel Ehvass where Kitty arranged an appointment (If not, go have a listen!). That appointment happened! So, what’s in a name!? Without doubt, so much more than the relative you were named after, how your name sounded to your mum or dad, or what was popular at the time you were born. During this thoroughly eye-opening solocast, Kitty shares her experience of undergoing the process of changing her own name, and the mind-blowing results that followed.This solocast reassuringly proves Kitty wholeheartedly believes in her guests and what they do. It’s not just about talking the talk, but Kitty will proudly and publicly walk the walk, too! Listen in and hear Kitty’s amazing story, with firsthand evidence of not only positive results, but also trickier situations... You’ll learn:•  What numbers are lucky at some stages in life, but not so