Kitty Talks

It's Not A Job, It's a Passion - Clare Pooley



“Live your life by doing something you love so it’s not a job, it’s a passion!” ~ Clare PooleyToday we share the story behind the story of Kitty’s latest holiday read, The Sober Diaries by Clare Pooley, a book that not only resonated with Kitty, but also made her laugh and cry. Clare’s career has taken her from working in the high-powered, alcohol fuelled industry of advertising to her current role of blogger, Ted speaker and author. Being of an era where alcohol was a big part of culture (think AbFab, Bridget Jones and ladettes) women have been embracing alcohol as a way to contend with high pressure roles - including parenting!  Today, Clare candidly shares her decision to not only stop drinking but she also highlights all the positive outcomes of taking this leap. Perhaps you too are tired of the feeling after a boozy night. Is wine-o-clock getting earlier and lasting longer? Is alcohol affecting your sleep patterns, weight, lifestyle choices? If you think cutting alcohol out of your life mi