Kitty Talks

My Most Important Manifestation Yet - Kitty Waters



“When you’re in alignment with dharma, you’re happier, healthier and live longer!” - Kitty Waters Today’s episode is an honest and emotive look at the most important manifestation Kitty is currently working towards. Join her at a crossroads in her life and get a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the process that will invite in her heart’s desire. She will candidly share the steps she is taking to pull into existence the bundle of joy she is now ready for in her life...  If you’re unsure about manifestation and how it works, this truly informative talk from our host will reveal simple and affective ways to create a reality from your dreams. You’ll hear evidence of how Kitty has used the process to pull in not only her business and her dream house but her husband too! Listen in, so that you can apply these methods and achieve whatever it is you wish for. You’ll also learn: •  When you do what your supposed to be doing (your dharma) magic and miracles will happen in your life on a r