Kitty Talks

Observe… Work… TRANSFORM! - Stef Sifandos



“There’s hope for transformation if you’re willing to observe yourself and do the work.” - Stef Sifandos Joining us from the USA today is the amazing and inspirational, Stef Sifandos. Stef is a Relational Alchemist, Community Builder and Change Maker, who facilitates transformational growth through neuro-empowerment practices, mindfulness, an integration of Eastern wisdom, diverse spirtual praxis and western psychology to improve, evolve and enhance the quality of your relationships. He is on a mission to create and optimise our performance as humans, and bring out the best in us so we can form wholesome relationships with ourselves and with others. Stef takes us on journey that shows us how and why we relate to others in certain ways, and the artistry behind the flow and flux of being in a relationship. He takes us back to his own abusive childhood looking at the reasons why he took certain behaviours into the adult world. Stef shares with us the rocky journey that took him from binge drinking