Kitty Talks

What’s in a Name, My New Vibration! - Kitty Waters



“Taking a new name, is taking a new vibration, creating an energy bond between the new connection.”~ Kitty Waters Fanfare and drum roll please (because we’ve held our breath in anticipation long enough)! Today, Kitty will finally reveal her new name to us and share the outcome of this transformation since having undergone this concious change. If you’ve not heard the previous solocast, released in January 2019, go listen! It’ll reveal the rational behind the bold move Kitty has undertaken, offering a bigger picture in this fascinating and unfolding story. During today’s talk...Kitty?... will openly share how she found out, via a numerology session, that her old name was relatively low vibration and potentially holding her back. Listen in and hear about the process of creating a name that vibrates higher, which can lead to a positive knock-on effect on your entire life. You’ll also learn: •  By choosing a name that vibrates favourably with your birthdate, you’re actually able tocreate