Rise To Inspire

EPI: 024: Consistency in your Creative Life



This episode we dive into another ingredient for your Creative Life: Consistency. In the first half of this episode Tio, one of the founders of Panels Comics and Coffee, hopped on with me to talk about Panels, his comic book recommendation of the week, and how to create consistency with business and life. In this episode I referred to a book I highly recommend for any creator or entrepreneur called “Real Artists don’t Starve” by Jeff Goins. In this book I referred to a story about Michelangelo and how he used his stubbornness and persistence to create and finish great works of art even when there may have been challenges through the scope of the project. This is a great lesson for anyone. How much grit do you have to keep working on your creative pursuits when the conditions may not be favorable? Or when you’re not getting the results you’re looking for? All the great visionaries and creators used their insane consistency to show up everyday until their pursuits were made real. Even if it took them to t