Rise To Inspire

TCB-EPI-032: The Power of Networking, Vegan and Military Life with Emerald Lowe



In this episode I spoke with Emerald Lowe. We’ve developed a friendship over the years both being members of the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce. But she has a valuable perspective being a vegan as well as being a military wife. This interesting dynamic has allowed her to really connect in her role as a membership director, but also learning how to be adaptable, resourceful, and flexible as a wife of someone in the military. She gave some great networking tips, even for many creatives, who tend to be introverted. Creating a large network could be the thing that catapults your career. She talks about the dynamic between living a vegan lifestyle and married to someone that isn’t vegan and the compromise needed to make that relationship work. Emerald also gave her book recommendation called Atomic Habits by James Clear, which you can check out at jamessclear.com She also provided her creative tip for the episode as well as what she would love to do in her ideal creative life. You can check out the vegan dis