Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

11. Bryan Miles - The Way We Work Doesn’t Work Anymore



“If I’m going to make a dent in this world, I have only a certain amount of time… So rather than watch that time be wasted away, I’d rather be intentional with it.” Along with his wife Shannon, Bryan Miles is committed to rewriting the workplace mindset. Driven by his manifesto that “the way we work doesn’t work anymore”, Bryan inspires businesses to liberate their employees and transform their culture with remote working. Far from losing control over staff, Bryan argues home-based workers are happier and more productive. With more autonomy over their day, working from home allows people to contribute more to their family life - as well as someone else’s place of work. As a result, they’re more motivated to do their best work for their employer. This is something Bryan has experienced first-hand. With over 600 remote-working employees, Bryan believes working for his company - BELAY Solutions - ruins staff for anyone else! When people experience a culture of trust, autonomy, and f