Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

13. Edward Bryan - Complacency is the Devil



“Even when you’re firing on all cylinders there’s always something falling behind that you can improve on” Edward Bryan is my incredible personal trainer who I work with in Houston, Texas. But rewind to his youth, and you’d never imagine health and fitness would be his path. At the age of 17, Edward weighed 380lbs. He was also diagnosed with hypertension and atrial fibrillation - an incredibly rare condition for a man of his age. So he took the meds he was prescribed and kept partying and ignoring his health. Until he hit 22. It started out as a day just like any other, but ended with a 19 hour stint in the emergency room. Edward was used to his heart playing up, but this episode was different. The medics couldn’t reset its rhythm and he was threatened with heart surgery. After being prescribed two additional meds with terrifying side-effects, Edward realized this was the point his life had to change. And from that moment forward, Edward has taken total responsibility for his hea