Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

48. Steve Sims - Don’t Be Afraid To Fail



“Experiences develop you. They define you. They refine your attitude.”This episode’s guest has been called “The Real Life Wizard of Oz" by Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazine because he has the ability to make the impossible, possible.Nowadays, Steve Sims rubs shoulders with celebrities and billionaires. His luxury personal concierge service, Bluefish, creates incredible experiences for its members and allows Steve to live an interesting life vicariously through his clients.But it wasn’t always this way. Steve started out as a bricklayer. As an East London boy who grew up in a low income family, he was well versed in the ‘them vs us’ culture.He’d look at the people who seemed to have it all and wondered why he couldn’t live like that. When he realized there was no real reason (and it was all in his head), he started to challenge himself to live a fuller life on a daily basis.And in this episode, Steve shares how you can do the same by using experiences to seize life by the horns and infuse everyday with surprise