Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

49. Jesse Elder - Actualizing the Life YOU Want



 “I can have whatever I want - I just have to think about it.” It’s not often that you get to sit down with a man who sees no limits. We live in a society where we’re conditioned to be average. We’re surrounded by restrictions and limitations that compel us to settle for less and drop dreams of a better life. Jesse Elder doesn’t see life in the same way that most of us do. The oldest of five, Jesse was homeschooled and raised in an environment where he was given a free reign. He had permission to explore his passions and his interests - free of the restrictions that most of us face. The freedom allowed him to take ownership of the things that got him excited. And it began to program his mind to view life through a radically different lens. Jesse is the modern day action philosopher. And in this episode, you’ll discover how you can use your thoughts to get more out of your life - whether that’s more health, wealth, happiness, wisdom, or success. So listen in with an