Sarath Vasiraju

Data Skeptic



When I think of the trends I’ve seen in data science over the last few years, perhaps the most significant and hardest to ignore has been the increased focus on deployment and productionization of models. Not all companies need models deployed to production, of course but at those that do, there’s increasing pressure on data science teams to deliver software engineering along with machine learning solutions. On that note my guest for today is Aditya Prabhakaron and he is a Senior Data Scientist at Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions. He started his career as a Data Scientist with Rolls – Royce where he was the Technical Lead for the Analytics of entire engine program. I’ve had the opportunity to work closely with him at Bosch especially in the realm of conceptualizing, formulating and driving AI/ML products With a Bachelor’s degree from NIT and a Master’s degree from IIT, he joins us today to share interesting insights, perspectives and his take on Data Science and its future.