Sales Secrets

Detecting The Signal from the Noise w/ Justin Lindsey former CTO of the FBI



Justin Lindsey is a signal finder. As he explains it, he did not start out that way. he started out as builder. His Dad was a ham radio guy and it’s just the way it was around our home. . . from home construction, to solder, to embedded controllers, to early PC building, to programing, even some early robotics. He just built things. This building led him to MIT where his building evolved to solving complex things simply, occasionally even elegantly. He spent the 90’s designing and building fast distributed systems and the companies that housed them. He gained fundamental skills in distributed high-speed computation on large data sets. Computational speed became a passion. Then the world changed on September 11. After which, he was asked to be the CTO for the FBI and my path shifted to applied analytics. What mattered was finding signals that could both explain what had or was happening and to predict what might happen. He began to believe that encoded in the large, diverse, and dynamic data sources of our wor