Sales Secrets

The Truth About Social Selling w/Koka Sexton @Hootsuite



We might have had a little fight, Koka and I. Fight might be too strong of a word, a gentleman's disagreement is probably a better term. I started the debate with a post poking the bear declaring that social selling was dead. I felt my argument had some merit. I debated that the word social selling is confusing and the data is lacking to prove the worth of social selling. Koka saw the article and wrote a strong rebuttal and made some strong points. Koka and I started to speak offline and we decided we'd continue the conversation on the #Playmaker podcast. Thankfully, Koka and I came to terms and realized we have more in common than we thought. It's all captured here, check it out. In This Episode You'll Learn: How can you think about the value of social selling How should marketing and sales work together to deliver social selling What is the future of social selling Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode: 103: The Number One Thing That Drives Results With Social w/Cameron Brain @EveryoneSocial 97: