Ons Energy Talks

Energy disruption, Ramez Naam, Singularity University



Ramez Naam is impatient with what’s happening in the world of energy. In this podcast he debates how we can maintain the uplift of people’s lives by providing them with energy in a clean way. Naam also points to some of the factors that will disrupt the current energy markets.Hear from keynote speaker at the ONS 2018 Conference Opening Ceremony and Co-Chair for Energy and Environment at Singularity University.Ramez Naam is a computer scientist, investor, and award-winning author of five books. Ramez is the Co-Chair for Energy and Environment at Singularity University at NASA Ames.He speaks around the world on innovation, exponential technology, and disruptive energy technologies. Ramez’s seminal 2011 Scientific American article, “Smaller, Cheaper, Faster” observed that the price of solar power was dropping exponentially and would eventually be lower than that of any other energy source. He’s since detailed the exponential trends in wind power, energy storage, and electric vehicles. His observations have